There are so many new AI tools that can help you streamline your work and help you optimize your content. Having all the tools for SEO, content writing, and grammar check, can help you generate high-quality content faster. To rank on Google, you have to be better than others, better than other content creators, and better than the algorithm. You are competing with the algorithm. So, you need a robot to fight with the robot. If you are looking for a powerful SEO tool that can help you get the best results, then keep reading. In this blog post, I will review Surfer SEO: features, benefits, pricing, pros, and cons. That way, you can decide if this tool is worth the price.

What is Surfer SEO?

Surfer SEO, or just Surfer, is an SEO tool that can help you easily analyze and optimize your website’s content and get the best results. To simplify, you write an article, and Surfer will analyze that article and let you know which keywords you should use, how your content score against others, which headings you should use, and so on. It takes guessing out of the picture. It will give you all the pointers on how to fix your article to rank high.

Surfer is a cloud-based platform that gives you data-driven insights in real-time, that can help you understand your website or blog’s performance and make the necessary changes to get the best results. You can have perfect on-page optimization with Surfer.

The tool is designed to make SEO easier and more efficient, especially when rules constantly change. Surfer can also help you in ensuring the authenticity of your article. Make sure you are plagiarism-free and AI-generated content-free.

Benefits of using Surfer SEO

When it comes to SEO, it’s important to have the right tools you can rely on, which will help you rank high in search results. Surfer can provide you with the data and insights, but you have to be smart and use these insights in the best way possible.

Here are some of the benefits of using Surfer:

  • Quick and easy SEO audits: Surfer SEO makes it easy to audit your website and identify any issues you might have. It can quickly scan your website and provide detailed information on any problems. Maybe you are missing some important keywords on your first page. Or your internal links are not used as they should be (Surfer will warn you about that). It can even tell you if the page speed is not good (and you know how page speed is important for SEO). There is also NLP sentiment and missing backlinks analysis.
  • Comprehensive keyword research: Surfer SEO can help you find the best keywords for topical authority and provide detailed information on each keyword. The tool will list all clusters of keywords based on your primary keyword, and that way, you can focus on generating content that is actually relevant.  
  • Content editing and optimization: Surfer SEO can help you optimize your content in real-time for the best results. You can structure the article in the best way for the reader and search results. It can help you identify keywords, recommend the best content structure, and suggest the best content ideas.
  • Track performance and grow faster: Surfer SEO can help you track your website’s performance and keep an eye on your competitors. You will receive personalized recommendations to maximize your SEO efforts through content, keywords, and internal links. It’s that easy. Your personal assistant who is ahead of the competition.

How to use Surfer SEO?

The first step is to create an account and connect your domain. If your blog or website has little to no traffic, you can use SurferSEO for free. For others, there is 7 days trial period.

Task suggestions

Once you connect your domain, you can start using Surfer. It will immediately suggest tasks for your website. These are personalized recommendations. It scans your site and that way it gives you ideas on what to write next. Basically, with these suggestions, you have a higher potential to rank.

Surfer SEO personalized task suggestion
Surfer SEO suggested a personalized task that should be completed

Remember that SurferSEO won’t write the article for you. You have to write the article first, and then Surfer will suggest the best keywords and headings. However, writing and editing your article is very simple. The editor is quick, and you can structure your article in Surfer directly.

Article editing and optimization

I wrote my article on becoming famous on YouTube. And now I can see suggestions and edit my article accordingly. On the right, I can see the overall score of my article. I should aim for 70 or a higher score. This score rates content quality and relevancy.

editing article in Surfer SEO
Surfer SEO will give you guidelines on the right next to the article

Also, Surfer suggested that I should have between 2165 and 2489 words in this article. I should also have at least 15 headings and 15 paragraphs.

article score in Surfer SEO with suggestions

Surfer will list all keywords you should include within your article. Once you use the keyword, it will turn green. The first number shows how many times you used the keyword, and the second number shows the number of times the keyword should be used. 2/1-4 (2 times used, 1 to 4 times suggestion).

list of keywords that should be used in the article

In the outline tab, Surfer will suggest the best headlines and questions you can use in the article. with just one click, you can automatically add an entire paragraph to your article.

outline tab in surfer seo
Suggested titles, headings, and questions that you can add to your article
adding the entire section in surfer
You can add entire section to your article
added section in the article
After adding section, you will immediately see ‘just added’ notification next to your paragraphs

One cool feature is that you can scan your article for plagiarism. That way, you are safe and won’t be penalized.

plagiarism checker option in surfer
plagiarism score report

You can also connect SurferSEO to WordPress and publish your article directly. So make sure to add links to your article and image; that way, you are ready for publishing. Surfer editor makes it easy to add everything to your article: headings, paragraphs, links, and images so this integration makes sense.

Surfer SEO pricing

SurferSEO offers a variety of plans to suit your needs. If you are paying monthly, then the Basic plan is $59/month. With the Basic plan, you can write 10 articles, which is very limiting. The Pro plan, the most popular plan, costs $119/month, and you can write 30 articles. There is also a Business plan that is $239/month, giving you 70 articles.

You get 17% off with each plan if you decide to pay annually. These prices are a barrier to entry. This tool is expensive for a small blogger who writes more than 10 articles per month. So, it’s better to make month-by-month payments and see if this tool suits your needs. There is a 7-day trial period for Surfer SEO. You can click here to get a trial.  

pricing table for Surfer SEO

Surfer PROs

  • Ease of use: SurferSEO is easy to use and set up. It just connecting your domain to this tool and the analysis will start. It has an intuitive interface and clear instructions that make it easy to use. Editor is very quick and you can outline your article in seconds. This is probably one of the better article editors that exist on the market.
  • Powerful features: Surfer has various features that can help you get the best results. It has an SEO audit tool, keyword research tool, content optimization tool, and performance tracking tool. You will get all keywords and suggestions that will help you rank higher.

Surfer SEO CONs

  • Basic keyword research: The score of your article increases as you add those keywords. However, be careful here! Use these keywords wisely. The problem with it is that I wrote a sentence just by adding these keywords, the sentence makes no sense, but it increased my overall score. Yes, you need to write optimized content that Google loves. But you are also writing this for a human; a person will be reading your article, and the article has to be well-written.
score increase after a keyword insertion
The article score increased after keywords were added at random to the article
  • Beginner not-friendly: SurferSEO is a powerful tool that may not be suitable for beginners. It requires technical knowledge and an understanding of SEO principles (additional in-depth keyword research) to get the best results.
  • Can’t recognize AI article: even though my article was plagiarism free, it was 100% AI-generated. So, this article is not ready to be published. Surfer SEO should add AI detection feature because that way, you are sure that you are producing good content.

Surfer SEO alternatives

SurferSEO is a powerful SEO tool that can help you get the best results. But how does it compare to other SEO tools?

GrowthBar vs Surfer SEO

GrowthBar is a powerful search engine optimization tool that utilizes GTP-3 AI, to provide users with input keyword/topic suggestions in a content editor.

It has drag and drop option, allowing you to craft your ideal blog post with the addition of headlines, images, keywords, and AI-generated text, and then export the post to Google Docs or Word Docs.

 Additionally, the Content Grader will give a grade to the article to show just how optimized it is for SEO. GrowthBar also provides users with an abundance of data points that can be used to make informed decisions regarding content strategy.

What GrowthBar does better is that it writes the entire article for you. GrowthBar also has backlinks and competitive analytics. Surfer does not have this feature.

GrowthBar is also less expensive. Their Standard plan costs only $29/month. And you also have a 5-day free trial. You get everything that Surfer has, with content writing, at lower price.

You can start your GrowthBar trial here.

Surfer SEO Review Final Thoughts

While many SEO tools are available to help you rank well on search engines, many people still feel overwhelmed and don’t know which is the best tool for their need. Surfer SEO does the job: data-driven insights in real-time with powerful features and easy-to-use editor.

The tool is designed to make SEO easier to understand and more efficient to implement, especially when rules constantly change. Surfer can also help you in ensuring the authenticity of your article.

Even though it might be complicated to use at first, you will get used to it soon. So, if you’re looking for a powerful SEO tool that can help you get the best results, you should definitely check out Surfer SEO.

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