Midjourney AI art has become a standard. Even since it launched, it has made a splash within the content creator community. Some people love it, while others are no fans. My experience so far has been great. I started a business based on Midjourney AI art and sold my designs on Etsy. I could generate unique designs with a few simple prompts, and people on Redbubble and Etsy love it. In this blog post, I will show you how you can get access to Midjourney and how you should navigate Midjourney Discord. Let’s dive in!

What is Midjourney?

Midjourney is an AI tool in simple terms. Midjourney is an AI program that generates images from descriptions called ‘prompts’. Sounds amazing! Yes, it is. You just need to describe what you want for Midjourney to create, and voila! you will get your art. Then, you can upscale it, generate more images, or ask Midjourney to do something different. 

Midjourney can help you with idea generation and you can use those designs to create fantastic art. All paid plans (basic, standard, pro, and mega) give you general commercial terms. This means that you are free to use your images in just about any way you want. The cheapest plan (basic) is only $10 per month. It’s worth it. Here is our full step-by-step guide for Midjourney.

Discord Midjourney

Midjourney only works if you have Discord. If you don’t have a Discord account and username, you can easily create one for free. Midjourney Discord has over 15 million members. 

Navigating Midjourney Discord

Just like any other Discord server, Midjourney is no different. On the left side, you will find many channels. #getting-started channel is where you can find useful info on how to generate art. Under #micro-polls you can vote which new feature you would like to see on Midjourney next. 

getting started channel in midjourney discord server

The most important channels are named #newbies – this is where you can generate art. You can simply write /imagine and then describe what you want to see. 

newbies and general channels in midjourney

#general channels can give you prompt ideas. If you are stuck and don’t know what to write you can always check these channels. Midjourney bot is constantly generating new art. Just like #newbie channels, you can generate art in #general channels as well. There are plenty of channels that you can choose from. 

Under each image, you will see the following: U1, U2, U3, U4. Before, those were for upscaling each image. Now, U buttons help you “single out your chosen image from the grid, making it easier to download and giving you access to additional editing and generation tools” (Midjourney docs). 

upscaling and making variations in midjourney discord

V1, V2, V3, V4 are variations. Each button generates a new image grid that maintains the general style and composition of the selected image.

Read next: Midjourney versions comparison

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